Is Board Of Directors Capitalized Ap Style?

Is Board Of Directors Capitalized Ap Style?

The Board of Directors is the supreme governing body of a corporation. It typically consists of the CEO, the president, the vice presidents, the treasurer, and the secretary. The Board of Directors is responsible for making major decisions affecting the corporation, such as electing officers, approving business plans, setting dividend policies, and authorizing the issuance of stock.

The Board of Directors is typically capitalized when referring to a specific corporate board, as in the Board of Directors of ABC Corporation. When mentioning boards of directors in general, the term is usually lowercased.

By Jenniferggg | March 12, 2019

The capitalization of "board of directors" can be a bit tricky. According to the AP Stylebook, the general rule is to lowercase the word "board" unless it is used as part of a proper name or as the first word in a sentence.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if the board is part of a company's official name, then it would be capitalized. For example, the "Board of Directors of Acme Corporation."

Another exception is if you are referring to a specific board, such as "the Board of Education." In this case, the word "board" would be capitalized because you are specifically referring to that particular board.

So, in general, the word "board" should be lowercase unless it is part of a proper name or the first word in a sentence. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

For the most part, you can go with lowercase when referring to a board of directors in AP style. When the full name is used, it’s best to capitalize Board of Directors. Here are a few examples:

The board of directors for XYZ Corporation will vote on the matter.

Board of Directors Chairperson A is in favor of the change.

The Board of Directors will make a decision at its next meeting.

The answer to this question is tricky. Although "board of directors" is capitalized when it is used as a formal title before someone's name, it is not typically capitalized when it is used alone or as a general term.

If you're unsure about how to style a particular term, your best bet is to consult a style guide. The Associated Press Stylebook and the Elements of Style are both excellent resources.

The answer to this question depends on which style guide you are following. The AP Stylebook recommends capitalizing the term when it is used as part of a proper name, such as the Board of Directors for a company. However, if you are using another style guide, such as MLA or Chicago, the rules may be different. Always check with your instructor or editor to see which style guide they prefer you to use. The Board of Directors is the governing body of a corporation, company, association, or organization. Its primary function is to oversee the management of the organization and make decisions regarding its policies, plans, and operations. The board is typically composed of a group of individuals elected by the organization's members or shareholders.

In terms of capitalization, the general rule is that you should capitalize the words "board of directors" when you are referring to the specific group of people who make up the governing body of an organization. However, you can also use lowercase letters if you are simply referring to a board in general (e.g., "The board will discuss the proposal at its next meeting.").

Here are a few examples:

The Board of Directors will meet tomorrow to discuss the company's financials.

The board approved the new marketing campaign.

I'm going to serve on the board of my local library.


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