A Better Chance Board Of Directors?

A Better Chance Board Of Directors?

We are proud to announce our newest board members: Abdul, Erika, and Jeremy! Abdul is a recent graduate of Morehouse College and has been working with us as an intern since last summer. He will be heading up our college access program. Erika is a civil rights attorney who has been active in the community for many years. She will be heading our advocacy efforts. Jeremy is a financial analyst who has been helping us with our budget and fundraising efforts. He will be heading up our finance committee. We are excited to have them on board and we know they will be great assets to our organization!There's a lot of talk these days about corporate boards of directors and whether or not they're doing their jobs. Critics say that boards are too cozy with management, that they don't challenge CEO's enough, and that they're not paying enough attention to the details of what's going on at the company. There's no question that boards have been under fire in recent years, but I believe that the vast majority of them are still doing a good job.

Sure, there are always going to be instances where boards make bad decisions or fail to properly oversee management, but I believe that this is rare. Overall, I think boards of directors play a vital role in ensuring that companies are run effectively and efficiently.

What do you think? Are boards of directors doing a good job? Do you think they could be doing better? Let me know in the comments!

It's been a little over a year since the last time I updated this blog, and a lot has happened in that time. I've changed jobs, moved to a new city, and gotten married. In the midst of all of that, I somehow found the time to serve on the board of directors for a small non-profit organization.

I'm not going to lie - it was a lot of work. But it was also incredibly rewarding. I got to use my skills and experience to help an organization that is doing important work in the community. And I got to do it alongside some amazing people.

If you're thinking about serving on a board of directors, I would highly recommend it. It's a great way to give back to your community and make a difference. Just be sure to pick an organization that you're passionate about and be prepared to put in the work.

As the battle for racial equality wages on in America, one organization is doing its part to ensure that young people of color have a fighting chance: A Better Chance (ABC).

Founded in 1963, ABC provides academically talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds with the opportunity to attend some of the nation's best schools. Over the years, the organization has helped place more than 13,000 students in top boarding schools and colleges.

Now, ABC is aiming to diversify its board of directors in order to better reflect the racial makeup of its student body. According to the president of ABC, by expanding the board, the organization will be able to "directly engage a broader swath of corporate America and top universities in our work."

The move comes as many companies and institutions are facing pressure to diversify their leadership positions. For example, earlier this year, Netflix announced that it would be adding three new members to its board, all of whom are people of color. In light of recent protests against police brutality and systemic racism, there has been a renewed push for organizations to do their part in creating a more just and equitable society.

While some may see ABC's expansion as a small step, it is an important one. By increasing the number of people of color on its board, the organization is sending a powerful message that it is committed to diversity and inclusion. Furthermore, it is helping to create a pipeline of future leaders who can effect change in other institutions and organizations.


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